Wednesday, May 25, 2011

What Vitamins Do You Need? Try the Vitamin Advisor

I have never been good at taking my vitamins. Between the kids allergy medicines, the cat's thyroid medicine and my asthma medicine, I just can't keep up. I never really know what to take anyway. I do know the "all in one" vitamins are usually not enough or pure enough. I take Shakeology so it provides me with almost everything I need in a day. I have noticed a huge difference in my energy level, digestion, menstrual cycles and more. I am NOT selling you Shakeology in this article. Instead I found a fun, informative and free website on what vitamins you should take depending on your gender, lifestyle and genes.
Andrew Weil
We first met Dr. Weil on Oprah in the 90's. He is a health expert and natural foods and living. He has a website called Dr. Weil's Vitamin Advisor. By answering a series of questions you get a free recommendation on the vitamins and minerals you need and WHY you need them. I love this! You can even order the ones they recommend for you. I checked the price and for me it was about $50.00 a month. I don't feel that is too much for my health. You can always take the information they give you and price check on your own. You can even talk to a nutrition advisor for free. Dr. Weil donates all of his after-tax profits from royalties from the sale of Vitamin Advisor products to the Weil Foundation, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to supporting integrative medicine through training, education and research.

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